
Reasons Why Sleeping With Your Ex Boyfriend Is A Bad Idea

There is a reason why your ex boyfriend is an ex. There is a strong reason why you are exes and to have sex with someone that you were once in love with can get tricky because of the connection that was there. For one it can get quite confusing, and get the lines blurred between what you once had and the current situation.

You might be processing the breakup, and when you go and sleep with him, it just might give you the reason to think that there is a chance that he can get back together with you. In most cases, it will definitely make you want to get back together with your ex, and it can trivialize the reason why you broke up to begin with. The confusion that it can create can make it difficult for you to move on with your life.

Also, if you are secretly hoping to get back together with him, sleeping with him will give him the idea that he is still enjoying the benefits with you. So why should he get back together with you when he can enjoy that part of you when you are nothing to each other. Honestly if you are looking to get him back, you need to make him feel that he is missing something that you used to give him, but when you are still making love, there isn’t much that he is missing.

Do you honestly want to be the girl he calls every time he feels like a shag? If that is not what you want, that is exactly where you are headed. In fact, knowing that you are continuing to give him that special part of you just might make him think that you are less than what you are. You are giving him a convenience that you should not, and you will be reduced to being the girl he gets to shag when he wants to. You need to put some boundaries for yourself.

You are not cheap, so do not make your ex boyfriend feel that he still has power over you. Get your power back and even if you are trying to get back together with him, do not make it more complicated by sleeping with him.

Relationships are complicated and when breakups happen where we are still in love with the people that we broke up with, it can make it very difficult to move on and demand your worth. The feelings that you have for him are what are making you to still sleep with him, and this can be very destructive if you do not have a plan of getting over him and moving on with your life.

Here are other reasons why sleeping with an ex boyfriend is a bad idea, so do not put yourself in a position like that. If he wants to still be with you, he will do right by you without you having to drop your standards for him. There are plenty of other places to get sex if that is really what you are after, but the best advice I can give you is to process the break up and figure out what your move is from there.


3 Things I Learned About Meeting People from my Chilling Session

After a long day of work, nothing beats hanging out, relaxing over your favorite drink. My favorite drink being Hunters dry, I dropped by News Cafe after work the other day just to release some of the stress that I had.

I just grabbed myself a couch outside as the weather was great, and of cause my Hunters dry. Just as I thought, someone wanted to join me and being curious of what would happen, I said yes. From the chit chat that we had, we ended up exchanging numbers. The conversation took us to the personal details of our lives where we spoke about whether we were in relationships, or married or had kids, our jobs and so much more. It was actually quite enjoyable.

As we were hanging, it dawned on me that the first time you actually meet someone that you do not actually meet them. Everyone puts their best foot forward, so that they seem nice and amazing, so that they can get what they want. It is only in getting to know the real them that you can know who they really are and what they are after.

What was nice about the encounter though, is how it was so easy for me to have met them. It was almost as easy as when I am online and I meet someone through the internet, because to me it is easy access to people that you would not easily have access to.

Let me just explain that I have someone in my life. But the encounter I had would have been amazing for my sister who is completely single, and she would have enjoyed the experience so much more. For me, I wanted to check just how easy or difficult it would have been to have someone appraoch me, and this is part of what I learned from that encounter.

In order to have someone take an interest on you, you have to dress well and good. You should not leave your house looking all raggedy like you did not have a bath and expect someone to take an interest on you. You have to be presentable to be able to get someone to take an interest on you, so look good and you will increase your chances of getting someone to take a double look.

Secondly, you need to be able to be friendly and handle a conversation. Had I been rude to my companion, he probably would have not wanted to hang out with me for much longer. Being friendly plays a huge role in how a conversation is going to go and how long it is going to continue for, so talk to people the way you would want them to talk to you.

You also need to be open minded. You can never really know how a conversation is going to go unless you give someone a chance. That is important because if you are going to judge someone before you even hear what they are going to say, you might close the door for that opportunity.

Doing these 3 things will enable you to get certain people to approach you. If you want an easier method to meet people, you can always go for online dating or online adult dating. You should be able to get what you are looking to have.


Stop Trying To Impress Women – And Start Attracting Them

Attract women not impress them
Guys in general are scared of women whom they feel are superior to them. Most guys feel that because they are the men, that they should be able to do certain things for their women and on top of the list, it is providing financially for their women.

It is really the norm that they guy who drives the nicest car and has the most money will be able to pick up a girl at a chilling joint, than a guy who is unable to do those things. In places like News Cafe or Primi Bazala and the like, it is true that the guy with the fanciest ride and a fatter wallet is going to have an easier time attracting women, because they will already be impressed by him, because of what he is wearing and the fact that he can buy the drinks that they want.

A guy however can still have all the money in the world, but if he is being attracted to a woman whom he feels is on a higher platform than him, or has more money than him, most guys feel threatened and some will work even harder to impress the woman. This is exactly what may cause you to try too hard, which is always a bad idea as you  can end doing the wrong things that push her away.

Women see a guy who is nervous or scared of them a mile away and they might take advantage of that. Women in general are attracted to strong men who know what they want and who challenge them. So if you are going to bend over backwards because the woman intimidates you, you will appear as a guy who is boneless, and unless you are looking for casual relationships, you are not going to be able to have meaningful relationships with the women in your life.

If your idea of impressing a woman is giving her too much compliments, or agreeing with everything that comes out of her mouth, it really is not going to get you very far. You will definitely come across as weak and very boring. South African woman love fun guys, so if you do not have that element to bring to the table, you will be missing something huge that women are looking to have.

Let me spell something out for you – women are not going to be interested or attracted to boring weak men! If she does give you some time, it will only be a matter of time before she gets bored by you.

Guys are interested in sex, plain and simple. And women know that. Women know that the reason why you are trying to impress her is to ultimately get in and be able to sleep with her. And when you try too hard, that can be a turn off for the chicks because they already know what you want.

So, what is a guy to do?

You need to stop trying to impress her. What this means, is that you need to stop treating her like the hot chick that you are looking to sleep with. You should treat her like the ugly chicks, whom you are not trying to impress.

Hot chicks know how guys treat them, because almost every guy they meet is interested in them. Be different from the rest of the guys and treat her as normal as you possibly can.

If you do this, she will definitely take notice. You will be unlike any other guy she has met before.

An important part of treating her as normally as you possibly can is to make sure that you do not compliment on how beautiful she is. Be the intelligent guy that you are and challenge her.

If you can do this, you will have turned the table, and you will have a better chance impressing her and attracting her at the same time.